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Semantic Web an TV – Computer Science Colloquium and Berlin Semantic Web Meetup on February 7th 2011

We are happy to announce that AG NBI alumni Dr. Lyndon Nixon will come to Berlin to give a talk about

„How semantics can change television“

We invite you to this computer science colloquium at the lecture room of the Zuse Institute Berlin on Monday, February 7th from 14:00 (c.t.) until 16:30.


In this talk, we will look at the current trends in digital television, focusing on the emerging deeper integration with the Web and with social networks, making future TV much more interactive and social. We introduce the use of semantic and structured data in the TV domain, exemplified by the NoTube project, and the possibilities this raises for better integration of TV, the Web and our ’social graphs‘. Finally, we look into the further future, with linked data and services underlying a new experience of „hyperlinked“ Web-Television. As a result, we see how still quite abstract technologies like semantics can potentially change our daily lives in a very real and practical context: Television.

Short CV Dr. Lyndon Nixon

Dr. Lyndon J B Nixon joined STI International as senior postdoctoral researcher in November 2008 having completed his PhD at the Free University Berlin. Previously at the FU Berlin he has acted as Industry Area Co-Manager of the EU NoE KnowledgeWeb, double Workpackage Leader in the EU STREP TripCom, and taught courses on XML, Web 2.0, Semantic Web and industry projects.
Now at STI International Dr. Nixon is setting up a research group focused on mobile, interactive media and semantics ( He is active in several projects, including semantically enhanced augmented reality (SmartReality) and social-semantic future television (NoTube, His research focus is hyperTV/video and the semantically guided integration of Web-based content within video, and he received his PhD in January 2007 with the topic ‚Semantic Web enabled Multimedia Presentation system‘.

The colloquium is followed by another Berlin Semantic Web Meetup on „Semantics in TV“ in the evening (17:00 – 20:00). A separate registration is required for this event. The meetup is sponsored by the NoTube EU project

AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme,
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26, 14195 Berlin, Tel.: +49-30-838-75221, Fax: +49-30-838-75220